Monday, February 5, 2007

How To Bypass Your Conscious Mind and Program Yourself For Success

By Emmanuel Segui

Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception." Then you can program yourself for success by understanding the power of imagination.

Imagination builds cities. Imagination makes dreams come true. Imagination will drive a lot of people to success, and you are a part of it.

We know that imagination and rationalization don't go each other so well.

When you dream, the right hemisphere of the brain and your subconscious mind are working and usually, you feel peace, you see compelling pictures and you hear beautiful sounds. Success is within your reach. But the problem is that the left hemisphere of the brain is also working and usually tells you "you can't do that" or "it's not for you" "You don't deserve it" "what if I tell my friends and family?" "You are crazy".

The truth is that you are unique and your contribution is important. You can make a difference and have success. High achievers are only what you will become in a few years, aren't they?

There are some "tricks" I would say or some proven methods and techniques to program yourself for success. The only and necessary step to do that is to bypass your conscious mind. When done, your subconscious mind takes it over. You can freely dream, visualize yourself win the game of life. You turbo charge your mind and you program yourself for success. This is how successful people do and that's what you will do from now!

The three components of the programming of your mind are relaxation, visualization and affirmation.

1. Relaxation: the first key to mental programming for success. As we start to relax our brain wave cycles start to slow down and our brain would enter what is called the Alpha State in which the conscious mind has effectively fallen asleep, and our subconscious mind remains in control of our Autonomic Nervous System. During relaxation, the mind relaxes, the body unwinds. It is here where our thoughts slow down until they become so light they begin to float. It is here that we are able to restore, re- energize and empower ourselves and harness the power of the subconscious mind to help create long-lasting change. Alpha state is the gateway, the entry point that leads into the subconscious

2. Visualization: the second key to mental programming for success.

Through relaxation you enter a state of creativity, essential for your success. You can induce new thoughts and new beliefs to your subconscious. And now you hold the image of what you really want and act as if you already possess it. Remember, imagination rules your lives, frightens you, excites you or undermines you. Pictures make you worry or happy. Clear pictures, and rich details, of what you really want is one of the critical factors for your success.

3. Affirmations: the third key to mental programming for success. You can induce new thoughts and new beliefs to your subconscious by affirmations or suggestions. One of the power principles of the subconscious mind is the compliance principle meaning that part of the mind complies to where you direct him to go. In the book, the one minute millionaire" from Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hanson, one of the affirmations they encourage us to say is "I walk like a millionaire, I act like a millionaire, I'm a millionaire". When you add feelings, it doubles or even triple the result. Really believe what you're inducing.

You can program yourself for success. It is all about using the same tools and techniques that high achievers used. Relax, visualize and affirm what you really want out of life. You can win and you deserve to win. It is reserved only for those who really want to go for it. Are you ready to take your personal and professional life to a whole new level?

A new level of peace and congruency! This is what "Moving From Vision To Action" is going to give you. Learn in this unique ebook the ultimate secret to turn all your dreams into reality. Because wholeness prepares you for true success, imagine a time when you were calm, confident and prepare yourself to achieve all the success you want. NOW!

Attraction Tools for Success: Manifesting Your Intentions

There are several books now that discuss the power of thought and I have been experimenting with the concept for the past few years. I understand the concept that “like things” attract more “like things”. So the more positive (or negative) I have in my life the more positive (or negative) things I attract. In addition, I was familiar with the idea that just by thinking about someone/thing, it has the habit of materializing. But I thought, was this just coincidence?

It’s one thing to read and learn about these concepts, but it’s another thing to experience them. One of the most profound experiences that made a true believer out of me was on a trip to Hawaii with my husband and mother during the Christmas season. It was Christmas Eve afternoon and we were driving back to our resort – a timeshare in the middle of no-where on the Big Island surrounded by black, hardened lava. As we made our way up the now familiar, winding road that was almost ½ an hour from the nearest city, I expressed my desire to go to a Christmas Eve service. Something I had been thinking about all week. I was not a regular churchgoer, but It never seemed like Christmas to me, unless I attend and sing carols at a candlelight service. By this time I expressed my wish, it was 5pm and our chauffer (my husband) wasn’t really in the mood to drive back to town in search of a church.

Just as we came to the top of the hill, ½ a block from our condo (if you could call it a block since there was next to nothing surrounding the resort.) There was a little sign along the edge of the highway “Center for Positive Living, Christmas Eve Service, 7pm, All Welcome.” This in itself was a miracle – as we had passed this stretch that very morning and numerous times before – and there was no indication of a sign or even a building! In addition and to my amazement, the name of the ‘center’ was the exact name of a church in our hometown that we had been meaning to attend for several months – but had never quite made it. Of course, we attended the service and it was abundant with carols and gifts, and it proved to be the most enjoyable service that I have ever attended.

For me, this experience solidified the power of thought. Since then, I have been playing with this idea and believe there is nothing that I can’t manifest. Of course, through my travels I have learned a few ways to assist the process of manifestation along the way.


Thoughts are the key to manifesting. Not only do I try to think positive thoughts, I also try to eliminate negative thoughts or self-talk. This isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but it got easier. The more I stuck to it, the more my life was blessed with positive things and the easier it became, and the easier it was, the more positive things that were manifested and so on.

Not only did I manifest positive things, but also I manifested what I was intending. Sometimes the manifestation didn’t always appear as fast or exactly as I wanted, but, then again, sometimes the universe knows best (but that’s another story.)


Most people have heard or used affirmations. Affirmations are just statements of a thought or intention. By stating your intentions concretely you send the message to the universe that you already have that which you want to attract. At first, I found affirmations a bit hokey, because in the back of my mind I was thinking, “this isn’t true”, but of course, if the statements were already true (in reality) I wouldn’t need to do affirmations about them. Our mind has no distinction between reality and fantasy, so by stating our thoughts it changes their existence from inside (the mind) to outside (reality).

Some additional tips in formulating affirmations:

  • State them as if they were already true (even if you believe otherwise)
  • State them in present tense. Include your name in the statement, for example:

    I, Kimberly, am …

  • State each affirmation at least 3 times. Once to say it, once to hear it, and lastly to integrate it.
  • State your affirmations often. After waking up or before going to bed is the best time of day, although you can state them anytime throughout the day if you need a reminder or pick-me-up.
  • Say them out loud. Put them on a tape recorder or paste them to your mirror so you hear/see them frequently.
  • Focus on a feeling, rather than material/physical objects. This leaves the ‘what’ up to the universe and often the results you intend to achieve are far greater than you could ever envision yourself.

    For example: I, Kimberly, feel peace within, at all times.

Intention Map

Turn your affirmations into pictures. Gather pictures, photographs, and words of things you want to manifest in your life and place them on a piece of Bristol or on a bulletin board. Hang them where you will see them everyday. Look at them frequently and imagine yourself there.

Visualizations & Meditation

Turn your affirmations or intention maps into visualizations in your mind. Imagine that the intention is already true and you are living the life you dream of. Visualize the intention and release it into the universe to be manifested.

Now that you have several tools you can use to manifest your desires, here is the trick. There can be no attachment to having the intention manifested. Of course, it’s a given that you want this intention, otherwise you wouldn’t have thought about it. However, you can’t be attached to the result or be fixated on it happening. You have to believe it as if it were true and possible, but leave it to the universe to decide the details: when, where, how, etc. and let it come to you when the time is right. Remember everything happens for a reason.

Once you have mastered this, everything is in your reach. Don’t just dream about the life you want: manifest it into reality!

Copyright 2004, Kimberly Strachan

Kimberly Strachan, Team Member of works as a Virtual Assistant for clients doing business online. Having degrees in Psychology, Sociology Social Work and Education, she loves computers, details and connecting with people. Her first passion is traveling and working online allows her the flexibility to travel both physically and virtually!

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

20 Tips For A Great Night's Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep helps us to be happier, more productive people, so here's some tips to help you get a good night's sleep:

1. Avoid drinking tea or coffee late at night

2. Stop smoking – nicotine is a stimulant and so can make it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep

3. Go to bed at the same time each night so that you set a routine

4. Only use the bed for sleeping and sex

5. Use dimmers on your light switches, and dim the lights in the hours before you go to bed to mimic the change from daylight to night time

6. Avoid taking exercise in the evening – exercise early in the day to promote restful sleep

7. Try using affirmations, such as: “I let go of the day, and enjoy restful, peaceful sleep” repeated several times while you prepare for sleep

8. If you can’t get to sleep after a while, get up keeping the lights low and do something boring until you feel sleepy

9. Alcohol may help you get to sleep, but you are more likely to wake during the night feeling thirsty and needing to go to the bathroom

10. Try relaxed breathing: breathe slowly and deeply concentrating on your abdomen rather than your chest

11. Get your allergies checked out, particularly if you wake craving particular food in the middle of the night

12. Avoid paying bills and similar jobs just before sleep

13. Try a herbal tea - chamomile, passion flower, lavender flowers or valerian are good, or take a herbal supplement such as scullcap or valerian

14. Put the essential oils lavender and clary sage on your pillow and inhale their soothing vapours as you sleep

15. Try some flower remedies - there are lots of different types. In the Bach flower remedies you might like to try ‘vervain’ if you find it difficult to switch off from the day; ‘holly’ if anger and resentment keep you awake; ‘white chestnut’ for persistent unwanted thoughts; ‘aspen’ if you wake because of nightmares

16. Try holding your frontal eminences (the bumps on your forehead, about half way between your eyebrows and hairline) if you are awake because of stress

17. Try taking supplements – magnesium and calcium can work well

18. If you suffer with hot flushes/flashes, try some natural support for your endocrine system at this time. I personally recommend Neways wild yam and chaste berry cream

19. Many alternative and complementary therapists have success with people with sleep problems. Find a local therapist and ask them if they have experience in this field

20. Sleep problems can be a sign of an underlying medical condition (e.g. thyroid problems or depression), so get this checked out with a suitably qualified health professional

About The Author

Jane Thurnell-Read writes popular articles about health and well-being. Visit her web site for more tips and information on how to be healthy and happy. We also have a find-a-therapist feature on the site with practitioners in over 40 countries practising more than 30 different therapies.

How Self-Empowerment Leads To Self-Improvement And Success In Your Life

Have you ever wondered if what you know about self-improvement is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest information on self-improvement.

Have you run across an individual who is so naturally friendly that when you put them inside a room of strangers, they are friends with almost everyone in no time? This is called a people person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that they can charm anyone into doing just about anything.

A socially empowered individual achieves so much greatness, basically because of the people that catapult him to success. He earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom he had helped before. He never runs out of help. He can do anything with the many people behind him because he knows how to maximize his social potential.

If you take some time to see if you know your social skills and you make use of them, you will reach self-empowerment. Self-empowerment is taking time to make a general overhaul in your life and turning yourself into a happier and more successful person. If you can be one of those people-persons, then I can't see any reason why you will not be successful in life. You just have to know where to begin.

1. Try to be sincere and genuine when you are working on your self-improvement.

An attitude of hypocrisy will bring you down. Be genuinely nice and interested in people. Once they see that you are a hypocrite with selfish motives, you might as well say goodbye to self-empowerment in your life.

2. Try to be the greatest listener that you can be will lead to self-improvement.

To gain the love and trust of the people, listen to their issues and talk with them. Do not just hear them out, listen to them with your heart. Make eye contact when the person talks to you. Listen as if every word matters.

3. Laugh out loud and don't take life so seriously.

I do not mean that you make yourself laugh at every single joke cracked by someone, even though you do not find it funny at all. This starts by finding humor in things and not being so serious. An individual with a great sense of humor attracts crowds and eventually, attracts success in life.

4. Loving yourself is an important aspect of self-improvement.

In the process of fluttering around like a social butterfly, you might forget yourself, allowing everyone to push you around. Remember, love and value yourself before anyone else. If you deem yourself respectable and worthy of affection, people will flock to you and not step on you.

5. Random acts of kindness can help with self-improvement.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

You don't have to give your life savings to charity. Little acts of kindness matter the most, and this can be as simple as giving someone a surprise you-take-care card or helping an elderly person cross the street.

6. Developing your personality is an important key to self-improvement.

Are you grouchy, grumpy and generally morose? You can't go through life with these types of attitudes. Get rid of the bad traits and habits that perpetually hamper your growth. And really, who wants a grouchy friend anyway?

7. Always be confident in yourself when working on self-improvement.

The ability to stroll to the other part of the room and to introduce yourself to people with that winning smile of yours will lead to confidence. Just take time to remember to be confident, and not arrogant.

8. Practicing self control is an important aspect to self-improvement.

If you get angry, don't bark at anyone. Stay calm, cool and collected. Be adult enough to take control of situation and transform your anger into something more productive and passive.

9. Continue nurturing your relationships.

Your relationship with your family, friends and significant others is too valuable that you must not neglect them no matter what happens in life. Go out and have a good time with them. Do things that make you happy. Happiness will never leave your side as long as the people who matter the most are next to you.

In the end, relationships with people will help with self-empowerment by becoming a better and more lovable person. It's a win-win situation. The people know they can turn to you anytime they need your help.

If you've picked some pointers about self-improvement that you can put into action, then by all means, do so. You won't really be able to gain any benefits from your new knowledge if you don't use it.

Copyright 2006 Dean Shainin

About The Author

Dean Shainin offers effective self-improvement solutions, information on self-improvement training, camps, programs and other effective ideas to help you be successful. For free information visit:

Changing Your Attitude To Achieve Success – 10 Tips To Help You Reach Your Dreams

Changing your attitude and mindset to achieve success is so much easier than you might think. Just 10 small changes in your attitude can make a world of difference.

1. You've got to have a dream.

It doesn't matter what it is, but before you can get to any but a random destination you have to decide on where it is you really want to go.

It doesn't matter what your background is, or how much disapproval you might have to face. If your parents are insisting that you stay at school, or you have a family that you need a day job to support, that's fine. You can still take time each day to plan your goals and visualize yourself achieving them.

The opportunities are just as great for seniors as for schoolkids, too. Colonel Sanders, of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame, and writer Catherine Cookson are just two of the people who have started a new career long after their contemporaries had consigned their own dreams to oblivion -- and made a fortune.

2. Choose something you love so much it doesn't seem like work at all.

No matter how talented you are, you're going to have to work extremely hard to be successful. That's why it has to be YOUR goal, not one you've chosen to please someone else.

3. Believe in yourself, and don't ever be discouraged. If you're really dedicated to your dream, you have the talent to learn the skills you need.

There's never been so much information, so readily available, on nearly any subject you can think of, that can help you make the most of your abilities so much available computing power, that can let you run a business from the corner of a room so much low- (or no-)cost software, that will let you make exclusive products or a market like the Internet, that lets you reach, at zero cost, a global audience of billions.

4. Learn everything you can about the thing you love.

If spending hours on the Internet or in the Library soaking up everything you can possibly find out about the subject seems hard work, you need to ask yourself if this dream's really yours, or someone else's... but if you lose all track of time in learning all the skills and information that you need, you're on the right track for unparallelled success.

5. Accept the chance to do some work -- unpaid.

That doesn't mean you need allow yourself to be exploited, but when you're starting out you lack experience. Some unpaid work in an area related to your dream can often be an easy way of getting that -- and it can sometimes bring about the very break you're looking for.

6. Develop new ideas.

No matter what your dreams involve, it's vital to success. With proper tools and training, nearly anyone can make a wheel the genius who changed the world was the person who invented one.

7. Creative ideas aren't hard to come by -- in fact, your mind's already full of them. If you spend time each day with a pen and notebook, or a computer and a brainstorming program, you'll find yourself producing them in droves.

Use them to improve your products and procedures, help your customers to solve their problems, or write about them for a newsletter, magazine or e-book, and you'll quickly be the person other people in your area of interest turn to -- an acknowledged expert. That will get you noticed by the people who can help you most.

8. Expect to learn something new and valuable each day.

Don't go to bed before you hHAVE learned something new and valuable! That way, you'll have the information that will help you make connections to develop fresh ideas.

A broad perspective helps you be the first to see the application of new trends and techniques to your field of interest -- and this ability alone can make your fortune.

9. Do the things you love, and love the things you do.

This kind of passionate enthusiasm's the basis of charisma -- the most success-attracting quality you can develop.

The people who convey their knowledge, sing their songs, write novels, act a rôle or direct their movies with energy and vividness and an obvious delight in what they're doing are the most convincing and persuasive people on the planet.

People don't REALLY pay for information, or for entertainment. They pay for information they've been persuaded is correct, and entertainment they're persuaded's just for them -- and the people who persuade them best are those who love their subject with a passion.

10. Remember that the law of success in any field is always "give and take", not "take and give".

The more you learn, the more you know. The more you practice, the more skillful you become. The more you think, the more ideas you have. The more you give out in creative energy, the more successful you will be... and the more you skimp on any of those things, the more the world will hold back its rewards.

About The Author

Aislinn O'Connor is a motivational writer and personal development consultant specialising in helping you to use your inner, subconscious mind to transform your life and circumstances. For helpful tools and lots more information, visit

Nature Of the Human Mind

On Earth, man occupies a peculiar position that sets him apart from all other entities in our planet. While all the other things – animate or inanimate, living or non-living – behave according to regular patterns to balance nature, man seems to enjoy – within definite limits – a small amount of freedom. Man controls his way of living, speaks his own language, perceives and learns great amount of knowledge, manages his emotions, and deals properly with problems he faces. All of which is unique to man only. There is, in fact, within the infinite expanse of the universe a small field in which man's conscious conduct can change the course of events.

It is this fact that causes man to distinguish between an external world subject to unstoppable and endless necessity, and his human faculty of thinking, cognising, and acting. In Philosophy, mind or reason is contrasted with matter, something that is extended in space and persists through time. Fully aware of the fact that his own body is subject to the same forces that determine all other things and beings, man attributes his ability to think, to will and to act to an invisible and intangible, yet powerful, factor he calls his mind.

The mind, including the processes it carries out such as thinking, learning, memorizing, remembering, and the likes, is one characteristic that distinguishes man from any other being in the world. The nature of the human mind is like that of a mirror; having different functions and features: (a) open and vast, (b) reflects in full and precise details, (c) unbiased towards any impression, (d) distinguishes clearly, and (e) potential for having everything already accomplished.

Open and Vast

Martin H. Fischer (1879-1962), a German-born U.S. physician and author, quoted “All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind.” Isn’t it ironic how small the human brain where mind processes undergo is, and yet it encloses matters in as huge as the universe? That’s how open and vast the mind can be. It can consist of things as trivial as the number of moles you have in your body, or as essential as how many dosages of cough syrup you need to take in when you are sick. It can create illusion or reality, bring delight or sadness, trigger conflict or peace, and generate love or hatred. And most importantly, it can make you, by influencing you how to be the best of who you are, or break you, by covering you with all the fears, embarrassment, and shame you least need in going through everyday.

The exposure of the mind to practically ‘anything under the sun’ keeps it from hiding any secrets the world unfolds from us. But again, all information that we can easily gather from outside is not always being marked off by the society – which is good and which is bad, which is right and which is wrong, or which is divine and which is evil. Therefore, the mind, as an all-encompassing system, accesses everything and yet restricts us from nothing.

Indeed, we have to agree with Fischer that the world is just a laboratory of the inquiring mind. A gigantic world of mind exists to which we are almost totally unexposed. This whole world is made by the mind. Our minds made this up and put these things together. Every bolt and nut was put in by one after the other’s mind. This whole world is mind’s world – the product of mind.

Reflects in Full and Precise Details In her outstanding book, Choose the Happiness Habit, Pam Golden writes: "Take the story of two brothers who are twins. One grows up to be an alcoholic bum. The other becomes an extremely successful businessman. When the alcoholic is asked why he became a drunk, he replies, ‘My father was a drunk.’ When the successful businessman is asked why he became successful, he says, ‘My father was a drunk.’ Same background. Same upbringing. Different choices."

The brothers chose different thoughts regarding the identical experience they’ve been in. One took the fact that their father was a drunk as an example for him to imitate; thus, making him one too. In contrast, the other brother thought the same idea as something not to be mimicked, making him doing the opposite thing until he became successful. Those thoughts over the years shaped the circumstances where they are now. Whatever viewpoint they had about the situation was reflected on how they are doing now.

In other words, whatever there is in our mind can be fully and precisely reflected through our actions. It is due to the process where thinking creates images in our mind. These images, in turn, will control feelings like joy or sadness. Such feelings will cause us to do actions on how we would deal with each one of them. And lastly, these actions shall create results. Therefore, the mind, particularly thinking, implies reflection and creation of results. This is simplified through the very common cliché “You are what you think of.”

Aziz Meknassi

About The Author

Aziz Meknassi is a self improvement addict, martial arts instructor, multi-lingual and webmaster of a free self help online reading.

Self-Confidence Advice- Do Not Let Your Boss Treat You Like A Second Class Citizen

People we meet and have to see on a regular basis can have a negative affect on your life and self-confidence, but only if you let them. I am a person who would get dragged down by any negative comment made from a friend or by my boss for example. This article is about how to deal with these situations and how to not let these people and their comments make you feel like a second class citizen.

A few years ago I met a client(Ian) who described a similar scenario to me. He had been very successful in business and had reached the level of director in the company where he worked. We were discussing this very subject and he admitted that he had an over-aggressive boss who I think was the chairman of the company. I can not remember the chairmans name, however for the purpose of this article I will call him John.

Ian thought that John played a kind of business game, where he wanted to be seen as the boss and where he wanted everyone to be scared of him.

This was the situation Ian described to me. John would e-mail him in the morning with a question asking why the north-west of the country had not been as profitable in the last quarter compared to its usual levels. He would ask Ian to meet him in the afternoon to discuss his findings. Ian would then contact his line managers and would then write a report before attending the meeting with the chairman.

Ian was a person who had a slight speech impediment, a stutter. He would be able to talk fluently most of the time, however if he felt nervous or if he felt under pressure, he would then start having problems getting his words out and would stutter. Ian also had words he thought of as difficult and would often avoid these type of words. He was very careful when writing his report only to include words he felt confident he would be able to say.

In the afternoon who would go and meet John and present his report to him. He stated that he would have no problem with his speech at this stage and that the presentation would be delivered smoothly and fluently.

On hearing the report, John would not make any comment and would instead basically just stare at Ian, slowly nodding his head up and down at the same time. Ian described this as making him feel very uncomfortable and was just praying for the silence to end and for his chairman to say something. The words from the chairman would not come and so to break the silence Ian would then continue speaking giving more reasons which were probably not correct and that were certainly not planned. These words were also not spoken fluently but with Ian struggling and stuttering.

I had a little think about what Ian had told me and felt angry at John.

I eventually came up with a suggestion. I advised Ian to end his presentation with a question, for example, this is what I believe are the reasons, however I would value your opinion as chairman of the company.

He can then nod and stare for as long as he likes, it is his turn to talk next and Ian can sit there comfortably and just be patient.

It is very important that we do not let people like John drag us down. It is time to be strong and to stand up to these people.

About The Author

Steve Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

Learn Something New and Boost Your Self-Confidence

We’ve all been told that one should never stop learning, but so many times this concept is placed in the framework of fear. “Keep acquiring skills so you’ll remain marketable” is a frequent refrain for this generation’s workers. “Stop learning and you start dying” is another example of selling the idea using a fear tactic.

What would it feel like if you acquired a new skill as a way of doing something positive for yourself with no fear factor involved? What if you did it for the sheer pleasure of something new and unknown and mastering it gave you a boost of self-confidence?

When my clients tell me that they feel stuck or feel like they aren’t accomplishing anything or are afraid to take chances in other aspects of their lives, I frequently encourage them to acquire a new skill. The skill doesn’t even have to be “justifiable” or add another notch to their resume. I simply ask them if there’s anything that they’ve ever wanted to try or learn.

At one of my seminars, “Sara” shared that she had just moved to town two weeks previously and that one of the reasons she had attended was just to meet new people. Sara said that she had recently divorced after more than 20 years of marriage and had left all of her friends and family to move hundreds of miles away as a way of starting fresh.

Although she initially found it to be quite challenging, she said that she felt empowered when performing some household tasks that her ex-husband had routinely done. She was inspired to attend a workshop at a local hardware store on how to hang pictures and frames, which included learning how to find the stud in the wall, how to determine the right type of anchor to use and how to use the tools needed. Sara said that she was so excited about the lesson that she went home and ran around and hung things in almost every room of the house afterwards. Not only had she acquired a new skill, but also she felt more confident about tackling other things in her life.

Sometimes acquiring a “hobby” can lead to new opportunities as well. At another seminar, “John” shared his experience. A company had downsized him after working there for most of his life. He had started the process of looking for work but had a bit of a cushion in the form of a severance package, so he started spending time in his backyard garden as a way to stem the depression and rejection he was feeling.

John had always done things like mow the lawn, trim the bushes, and gather the fall leaves but had mostly left the decorative aspects to his wife. He decided to try his hand at a small vegetable garden and discovered that he had quite the green thumb. Always the type to thoroughly research topics that interested him, John developed a keen interest in organic produce farming. This skill, originally taken on as a way to deal with the stress of his downsizing, became a full-fledged business that John now runs with his wife and two sons and their families. Talk about a confidence builder!

New skills don’t have to take the shape of power tools and farming, though. Clients have done things like take music, dance and language lessons, learned to swim, gone parasailing, joined book clubs, learned a craft, etc. And almost every time, the outcome has been the same: the feeling that if they can do this thing, they can do anything they set their minds to do. What thing have you ever wanted to try or learn? What would it take for you to start today?

About The Author

Vivian Banta (MBA/Coach U CTP Grad) is a life and transition coach who works with people in pursuit of their passion who want to fully engage in their lives or who are experiencing changes such as relocation, career shifts (including military to civilian life), and personal relationship changes. To find out more, visit her website at or e-mail her at to schedule a free, 30-minute personal coaching session.

The Power Of Your Thoughts

Throughout the ages mankind has attempted to control his world around him by many different means. In the physical world we have invented all kinds of ways to make our lives better. If you believe the bible then in the beginning everything was perfect, mankind was in need of nothing. God took care of everything, He provided food and not much else because there was no need for much else. Mankind did not even need clothes. Can you imagine that, everybody going around totally naked! Anyway if we are to believe the bible, and I do by the way , I am a Christian, mankind began to look out for themselves after the story of thru fist sin. The first item they made was clothes. Thereafter we have been constantly inventing and making anything that will make life easier for ourselves, from houses to cars, boats, airplanes, microwave etc, etc. Look around you, with every glance of the eye you will see something that mankind has made in an attempt to better out lives. That is unless you are in the middle of some untouched part of the world where man has yet to disturb and even then you are probably not naked. We must admit that as far as material things go we have come a long way. The question is, with all that we have done materially to make life better, why is it that so many people are unhappy, feel that they are not loved, many do not see any purpose in life and tragically some reach the point of ending it all in suicide. This is the question, why?

There must be another aspect, another dimension to our lives that we need to be mindful of. This other realm is the spiritual, or the supernatural or whatever you want to call it, the realm of the mind. More and more we are beginning to realize that this world, this spiritual world, is what really controls us and all that we do is a result of what’s going on in the mind. The wisdom literature of the ages all point to this fact that it is not what you have on the outside that really matters, but what you have on the inside.

Eastern religions do meditation and things like yoga exercises all intended to improve your state of mind. Christians believe in a life changing power coming from God that manifests itself from the inside out through prayer and meditation and a study of the bible. We can see that all of these religions seek to bring about change in our lives by changing our thoughts, what goes on in our minds. Quite recently I have come upon what is a new subject to me and that is the power of manifesting. This is where one zeroes in on our thought processes and literally attempts to bring about something, be it a physical item or an intangible such as wisdom for example, by using the power of our minds. Christians would call it a prayer of faith, where they believe for something and that God would bring it to pass. It is a very interesting topic and one in which we might all benefit if we can approach this it with an open mind. No matter your religion, or your prior spiritual beliefs there may be something in manifesting for all of us.

About The Author

Robert Paul Williams seeks to investigate the different ways in which mankind seeks truth ,joy, peace of mind and fulfillment in life.